PSHE sessions allow children to confidently explore their personal, social and health education in a safe, calm and child-friendly forum. Children are encouraged and supported to express their own views and make informed decisions, creating positive citizens in their community and in the wider world. We help children grow in confidence and give them opportunities to celebrate themselves and form healthy relationships with those around them. We promote an awareness of everyone being different and that this makes us special and unique no one is ever an outsider. We aim to develop communication skills to allow children to the foundations for them to grow personally, socially and form healthy attitudes to life and in their relationships. The PSHE curriculum also provides children with the knowledge to help them navigate and understand the world around them.
Our curriculum is designed to show the children’s progression through regularly taught lessons. Children link their learning to their topics or RE value for that half term and the No Outsiders teaching programme helps us to develop an understanding of British Values.
At Wooodchurch C of E, we approach the RSE and PSHE in a faith-sensitive and inclusive way, seeking to understand and appreciate the differences and afford dignity and worth to all pupils, families and the wider community.
How we teach it
Our PSHE curriculum is designed on a question-based approach covering three main themes:
Relationships (RHSE)
Health and well-being (RHSE)
Living in the Wider World (PSHE)
We use PSHE accredited resources available through the PSHE Association. PSHE begins in F2 through the My Happy Mind scheme, which allows us to effectively deliver the PSED strand within the EYFS framework. Alongside this, the One Decision scheme is used to supplement PSHE lessons. Our principle resource for the teaching of RSE in Y1-Y6 is the Medway Primary PSHE Education scheme. In addition to this the following are used when required:
Goodness and Mercy Guidance and resources
NSPCC Stay Safe, Speak out Campaign and Pants campaign
No Outsiders curriculum.
My Happy Mind
PSHE lessons are delivered once a week, alongside My Happy Mind sessions which take place in every year group at 9am every Monday. The first PSHE lesson of each module/half-term for all year groups including F2, will be a No Outsiders lesson. This curriculum teaches the Equality Act to the children through a carefully selected set of stories in an age-appropriate way that will support the children in their understanding of diversity and equality. In the remaining five lessons teachers will use the relevant planning from the PSHE Association to teach children the required knowledge for that module.
Throughout the year pupils will also take part in a range of other activities to support the wider delivery of PSHE. These include:
Parliament week (KS2)
NSPCC days
Fundraising events e.g. Comic Relief
Career Awareness
Church Services and assemblies